
Post #700--Learning a Good Lesson--Yes, my cup is half full

This last month has not been very pleasant.

The first few days began okay, then I had a very unpleasant experience that drove me into a bit of a funk that took a few weeks to emerge from.

And then there is the transition factor our family is in...we made the decision to leave the church we had been attending for the past nine years. We left on very good terms, and, I believe, in the right way, but it has still been a difficult transition.

And work has been very demanding. I am working at Kellogg High School doing a lot more, and I am only suppose to work 19.5 hours a week, and I already am over hours by about 50 or more.

It has been a month of discouragement, sadness, despair...just being out of sorts.

Now there has been some high parts....visiting IEG and JEJ in Kettle Falls was one of them.

But I have to believe that God knew when things were being planned for my PEO group, and I was scheduled to speak on Optimism, that He knew I was going to need to plan and give that talk to turn my attitude around.

And it did. It was just what I needed to realize I have a choice to be pouty and down in the dumps, or I can choose to know that God is in control, and I can praise Him even when things are in transition, and circumstances go bad, and life becomes too much to handle at times.

I just need to readjust my focus. Remember Who is in control of things.

Then my attitude returns to being optimistic....hopeful....full of faith.

Thanks, God. I needed that talk on optimisim...

okay, the cup is back to being half full!!


  1. Thoughtful post! I usually find, too, that when I think I'm in control things don't go perfectly and sometimes the bucket springs a huge leak!

  2. In my case it feels like the dam has sprung multiple leaks, and I don't have enough fingers to plug them up! But... it's all uphill from here, and I refuse to let the dam leaks bring me down. I'm so glad you're back to half-full! I'm on my way!

