
A Very Productive Sunday

Today has been a very productive day.

This morning we visited a new church that we are thinking of attending. It is the church I grew up in here in Kellogg. It used to be called The United Church of Kellogg, but it is now called Mountain View Congregational Church. It was fun seeing people who attended when I was growing up, and other people I know who I didn't realize were at this church. We really enjoyed the Adult Sunday School Class, and also the service. I think we may have found a new church home.

Then I came home to spend the day canning.

Yesterday, I canned Apple Pie Filling.

Today I made Spicy Apple Chutney and canned it. This is so delicious. It tastes a little like Green Tomato Mincemeat, but with a bite, because there is crushed red pepper, jalapeno and chili pepper in it as well.

Then I sliced zucchini and crookneck squash and canned some pickles.

I also went outside and did a tour of our yard and garden. Things are slowing down out there, but there are still some things on the vine.

I have about four small pumpkins growing, and hopefully they will be ripe in time to make pies for Thanksgiving!!

Still need to pick all my ripe tomatoes. I think they may turn into salsa!!
My green beans didn't do that well this year. But there are some to pick, and cook on the stove all day with some bacon. One of my favorite ways to eat green beans.
Still have a few crookneck squash growing.
And at least one zucchini.

Here is a new addition to our yard. It is a peach tree. We received as a gift from the Pastors at the church we just left, to remind us that we will be bearing new fruit in our new church. They were very generous and loving to share with us such a gift. I'm really looking forward to some peaches next year!!! And it is a kind of peach that is suppose to produce fruit in Kellogg.

Well, that is enough for today. I have some more pics of the yard, but I'll share those later. I'm getting tired, and it is almost time for bed!!


  1. Ive always wondered why you doodles call it 'canning' when there aint a single tin in sight LOL

    wow though Im well impressed.... you busy beaver :)


  2. I guess canning sounds much better than "jarring".

  3. Oh Carol, You had a busy day! Your garden is amazing. The Pie Filling and the Spicy Apple Chutney look wonderful!

    Congratulations on finding a church you feel at home in! What a sweet gift from your former Pastors. Both the tree, and the loving support!

    Love to you all!
    Nita Jo

  4. I love this post and all your photos. I especially love the one of the sunflower on the top. What a lovely color.
