
Living in a Gray World

Since arriving on the Oregon Coast on Monday, we have entered a world of gray.

The sky has been gray. It is foggy. The rain drizzles. The wind blows. The waves crash in various shades of gray.

Gray is a bit like being in limbo. There is no extremes in gray....it is a balance between black and white.

It feels good to be in this gray world at the moment. Just being. Just existing. Time doesn't exist in this gray world. No schedules. No appointments to keep.

I'm thankful today for this special gray world.

PKR and I in our special gray world, with Sadie along side.
Sadie and Peaches chasing seagulls.
PKR and Z2 looking for treasures.
The beautiful grayness of Rockaway Beach, Oregon.
PKR and the dogs.
Walking along the beach with the dogs is such a great way to start the day.

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