
Guys and Dolls....Side By Side

If you are up for some first class entertainment, attend the next fund-raiser we are having for the Sixth Street Theater.

On Saturday, June 6th at the Wallace Elks, 8 Sixth Street Theater performers will be paired up, and compete against one another for the top Guy and Doll.

Each performer will sing a song on their own, then will sing a duet with their partner.

The cost to get in is $5.00. But you need to bring more money, because you place your votes for the winner by adding money to the basket of the singing pair you enjoyed the most.

The singing pairs will be:

Paul Roberts and Joy Persoon

Ken Bartle and Shelley Hodgdon

Scott Hall and Carol Roberts

Vern Hanson and Jenny Fritz

Come help support our local community theater and enjoy a wonderful evening of entertainment.

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