
Ready, Set.....Go!! Another Track Season Is Under Way!!

I love to follow my girls through their track season.

Track is such a wonderful sport to follow as a parent...the other parents are having a good time, we cheer the kids on, no one is yelling at refs or other participants.

That is my kind of sport!!

Z2 has her third track meet of the season today at Kootenia High School. It looks like blue skies today (thank goodness!!) She is competing in the 800 meter, 400 meter and the 4 x 400 relay. She is already getting faster, but her dad said she need more speed work, and needs to know what it feels like to run all out and fast.

Kiki Aru had her first track meet on Thursday. This is her first year competing as a seventh grader. She is running the 200 meter, 400 meter and in the 4 x 200 relay. She got first in the 400, second in the 200, and their relay team got first. This track meet was up in Bonner's Ferry, and I didn't go up there, but her next on is Tuesday in Post Falls, so I think I can make that one.

It will be interesting watching these two, and their times for the 400 meter race. Kiki Aru had a faster time than her older sister this week, which I hope will fuel a bit of friendly competitiveness in both of them.

Well, I'm off to the races!!!

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