
Greetings from the Treasure Valley

Kiki Aru and I arrived here in Caldwell this afternoon after a bus ride down from Kellogg. We are here for Idaho History Day, which will be tomorrow at the College of Idaho.

Kiki Aru has created a documentary on May Arkwright Hutton to present tomorrow. Other students are presenting plays, essays, websites or exhibits. The theme is An Individual in History.
May Arkwright Hutton

To find out more about the National History Day competition, go here.

We went out do dinner tonight with BN and her daughter RN. We rarely get to see them when we come down, because it always seems the timing is wrong, so I contacted them to see if they could come meet us for dinner. And they could, so we went to Red Robin and had a great time catching up and visiting. It was really fun.

Update on RP: The last I heard on RP was he was still in the hospital, but doing much better. He may be out by the weekend. Just keep praying!!

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