
A Pre Christmas Adventure

I got a call from a friend tonight who needed a little help, so I got to go on a little adventure.

She called right before my friend KM arrived for a visit, and so KM said she would go on this adventure with me.

My friend was visiting her son, and thought she may have left an appliance on so she called to see if I could go check on her house, and see if the appliance was on or off.

She told me she wanted to call someone who wouldn't think she was too stupid and who knew her well. That was a major compliment in my book!!!

So off to the adventure.

She gave me some directions.

Go up her stairs.

Go across the lawn and find an upside down cone.

The key is under this cone.

When opening the door with the key, pull on the door, and press the button on the door.

Check on the appliance. Ah look, the house is safe. The rice cooker was unplugged.

I called my friend and gave her the good news. Now she could relax and can enjoy her holiday with her family.

KM and I secured the premises, and we were on our way.

Merry Christmas!

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