
James and Natalie...My Sentiments Exactly


  1. Can't get the speakers to work on the computer...I think I remember the song. HA! As far as the rating...hmmm, leaves me really cold. You don't write for a rating, do you? I rate you blog an easy 10, but why should you care?

  2. Oh, heavens no!!! I just stumbled across it one day, not even knowing someone had rated it, and thought it kind of interesting. It will probably be gone when I revamp my blog page after the first of the year. No, my blogging is written for family and friends, nothing more. So shake off that chilly feeling, and try and stay warm today!!!!

  3. Thanks so much for following my blog. I really like yours too and have long been a fan of your sisters.

  4. Singing at the top of me voice so that Starr can hear the song LOL


  5. Do you hear what I hear, Go Figure? Oh, it's Marmite Toasty singing to you from across the pond!!

    MT--You crack me up!!!
