
Shout Out To Fight, Fight, BSU

As much as it goes against all the silver and gold Vandal blood flowing through my veins to do this, I have to give props to my nephew's blog.Even though I couldn't care one bit about College Football.

And I really don't care about Boise State Bronco Football.

But my nephew cares, he is very creative, and he likes to write about it on his blog, and writes very well.
(He also likes to bad mouth the Vandals every chance he gets...but the little tyke is young and impulsive, so I'll forgive him. HA! HA!)

When his dad was here last week, he told us his blog was mentioned on the digital version of the Sporting News at www.sportingnews.com.

His blog is called Fight, Fight BSU, and here is the post about being mentioned in the Sporting News here.

If you want to read Drew's perspective on one of his favorite obsessions in life, check out his blog.


  1. Thanks for the mention, Carol. I have to bash the Vandals...it's what Broncos do. Besides, it's so easy.

    Hope Kellogg is treating you all well and hope to get up there with Lacey and Trace sometime.
