
Kids Serving The Community

My job as Gear Up Site Coordinator consists of working with seventh, eighth and ninth grade students, using early intervention strategies for students and families, to help prepare them for life after high school. One of the things I provide for the ninth graders this year is a service learning opportunity, a way to volunteer in the community and help others. Above is my freshmen crew and I after they earned some service learning time today. What a great group of kids, and they did a great job.
Today I took six freshman from KHS to the Shoshone County Mining and Smelting Museum (more commonly known as the Staff House Museum), and they raked and bagged leaves that covered the museum lawn. Here TC and AS take a break in a pile of leaves.

I am on the board at this museum, and the majority of the board members are retired, and have a hard time doing yard work these days. This is a way for these students to help the museum board members, as well as beautifying the town's only museum. Here CM and JL bag up the leaves they just raked up.Board President Bob Dunsmore helps DH bag up a pile of leaves. The weather couldn't have been better for this project. This morning the wind was blowing really hard, so I was a bit worried. But the weather was perfect for raking leaves, and it didn't start raining until we returned back to KHS.

VN is raking up some leaves near the entrance to the museum. To find out more about this museum, go here. It is closed for the season, but will be opening again in May. It is a wonderful way to learn about the history of Kellogg, and the mines in the area.

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