
I DID IT!!! 30 Posts in 30 Days!!!

I did it. I posted 30 posts in 30 days, and there was only a couple days I wondered what I was going to post...but it all worked out.
It was very enjoyable, and I hope to keep it up this next month in December. My plan is to go "Christmas crazy" in December, since it is one of my favorite times of the year. I hope to post something to do with Christmas each day, with the hope of spreading "Good Tidings of Great Joy".


  1. That's awesome. I'm trying to get more in the blogging mode myself.

    Hope you guys are enjoying the holiday weekend. You were missed this morning.

  2. Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself. I'm thrilled to hear you'll be continuing the daily blogging habit in December--Christmas is my favorite season!
