
Pappy's Pizza: My Most Embarrassing Moment

This week I asked my siblings to write about the following:

"Pick a business in Kellogg where you used to "hang out" in junior high or high school and tell a story about an incident that happened at this location that was really memorable."

The reason I chose this topic was because I knew I could share about my most embarrassing moment.

It was the summer of 1976. I had just finished my seventh year of school, and getting reading to begin 8th grade. My friend RS, who had a boyfriend who was going to be a sophomore, called me up to see if I wanted to go on a double date to the movies with her and her boyfriend, and another guy, DS. I asked my parents to see if I could, they said yes, so I said okay.

(As I look back on this incident, I ask myself, "What in the world were my parents thinking?? I was only just barely 13 years old, and they were letting me go on a "car date" with a guy two years older than me.)

So RS kind of orchestrated the whole evening, and it kind of started off on a bad note. Well first, her boyfriend ended up not coming, so it was just her and DS and myself.

DS was suppose to pick me up at my house, but they had car trouble or a flat tire or something, so I was told to start walking toward the Rena Theater, where we would be watching a movie, and they would pick me up.

So I only got about a block down the road when DS and RS pulled up in DS's dad's powder blue Cadillac (I kid you not).

So I piled in and we went to the movie. I was very nervous. I had never done this before, and wasn't quite sure how to act. He did kiss me at the end of the movie, which was rather weird.

Then we headed to the local hangout in Kellogg at the time, Pappy's Pizza. We joined a group of people, and sat a visited. I remember one moment of humiliation when my friend AV's older sister CV came in and came over and asked me if I was on a date. It was very embarrassing.

Well, I guess DS was bored at Pappy's Pizza, so he asked if I wanted to go for a ride. I said sure and we headed off toward the Powder Blue Cadillac in the parking lot. RS was staying behind.

Here comes the rather embarrassing part. As he opened his driver's side door to let me in, he opened it up just as a car next to the Powder Blue Cadillac was pulling out. The fender of that car hooked on the open car door, and proceeded to pull the car door back, and do quite a bit of damage.

As this was happening, I sat inside the Powder Blue Cadillac listening to the comments made about the incident by people who witnessed it. One comment that sticks out in my memory was, "I'd make her pay for it,".

At some point, I escaped my Powder Blue Cadillac prison, and ran inside to tell RS what had happened. She came outside. Eventually, DS closed the door enough on the driver's side so he could at least drive it home.

It was a really long ride home that evening.

DS took RS home to Pinehurst, and then drove me home back to Kellogg, It was a very long ride home. And I never spoke to home about it again.

But for a young girl, just barely 13, it was a very embarrassing experience.


  1. From 7th grade 'till the beginning of 9th I had to walk from 208 West Riverside allll the way to the "Old" High School, all the way up to nearly the bottom of Wardner to attend Junior High classes.About 3/4of the way there was the oasis called Dick and Floyd's. Pinball Heaven. Most people probably didn't notice the magazine sales rack on the edge of the soda fountain, right before the swinging doors into the bar. However the glossy covers of "Playboy" sure did catch the eye of a 13 yr.old Bobby Taylor. Needless to say ,my most embarrasing moment was getting caught by Dick Costa, himself, in the process of trying to steal said magazine.What a bummer.

  2. You probably weren't the only young boy to be tempted by those magazines. Ah, Dick and Floyds. I can still see the counter, and the pinball machine, and there was always a very distinct smell in there. I'm not even sure how to describe it, but I can sure remember the smell. The back bar part was always a mystery to me...what went on behind those swinging doors? I think I was only back there one time that I recall, and that was for my sister's bachelorette party, when I was only 16, but was somehow able to get into every bar in town as I followed her and her friends around town.

    We always had a joke at our house that if Mom fixed a meal and Dad didn't like it, he would push back his chair and say, "I'm goin' to Dick's!" I can't imagine growing up in Kellogg in the 60's and 70's and not having memories of Dick and Floyds.

  3. Some of my best memories are from Pappys because I got to work there! (75-76) Started at the cash register and soda fountain and worked my way up(?) to cook. What better way to spend your weekend nights then at the hub of the universe. Everyone that was out driving around (cruising?) stopped there. Either in the parking lot or to use the bathrooms. Some even bought food!

  4. Anonymous--

    Yes, it was a perfect place when we were in junior high, because you could walk there from the school, and just hang out. Sometimes we even had enough money for about 10 of us to go in on one pizza. I'm sure I ate one of your pizzas at some time. My husband, PKR, remembers the Portuguese Hula Chicken pizza as one of his favorites. Not sure I've seen it anywhere else other than Pappy's. Everything changed when Pappy's moved to the Fun Center in Smelterville. It just wasn't the same. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!
