This week's assignment was this: " Many hours of our childhood were spent playing games. Share a memory that involved playing a game(es)." IEG's wonderful post about playing Yahztee is here, and RP's post will be here someday.
Olly, Olly Oxen Free!!!
This week's assignment was this: " Many hours of our childhood were spent playing games. Share a memory that involved playing a game(es)." IEG's wonderful post about playing Yahztee is here, and RP's post will be here someday.
Win A Couple of Free Tickets to Godspell!!
The cast of Godspell at the Sixth Street Theater in Wallace.
I sent an email out to all the staff of the Kellogg School District, and one of the teachers, after seeing the picture, joked to PKR and said, "That is the oldest cast for Godspell I have ever seen."
I shared this at rehearsal tonight, and we started coming up with bogus slogans for our production, based on this "aging" idea.
Here are some of the suggestions below. If you have any others, I'd welcome more ideas. In fact, I'm going to have a little promotional contest. Whoever comes up with the most clever slogan will win two tickets to Godspell to the performance of their choice (see the sidebar for performance details). The contest will go through Sunday, November 2nd, and I'll announce the winner on Monday, November 3rd. Just leave a comment and your email address so I can contact you if you win. Good Luck!!!
Godspell: The Geritol Years
Godspell: We Walked With Jesus (Literally)
Come See Our Godspell: Where the Deaf Will Hear, The Blind See, and the Lame Walk (And That's Just the Cast!!)
Godspell: Where We Just Try and See More Clearly Day By Day
Z2 "Runs Like The Wind" Today
And she did just that, by qualifying for the State Cross Country Meet at Eagle Island State Park in the Boise area next weekend.
This northern A3 District could qualify 8 girls, and Z2 came in 8th. She ran a time of 24:12, doing over one minute faster than she ran at last week's meet in Potlatch.
It was so exciting watching her gain momentum throughout the 3.1 mile course. She started out in about 12th place, then kept gaining on the girls ahead of her, until she finally passed two of the Bonners Ferry girls, (or maybe it was Timberlake. I'm not sure, because they both wear blue).
She finished good and strong with great form, and was very surprised she qualified.
But once she realized she made it, you couldn't get that beaming smile off her face.
A Bit Disappointed with "Phantom"
In anticipation of this musical, I never wanted to watch the movie, or know too much about the production, because I had heard how spectacular it was and I wanted to be surprised.
Maybe my sights were set a bit too high, because I wasn't that impressed. Oh, the production was wonderful, and set designs, the costumes.
But what I like most about musicals is how they affect my emotions. I like to laugh hard, cry, make a connection to the characters.
I made no connection today. I felt the same the whole way through the production.
It is not that the actors weren't talented. They were fine singers and actors. I just didn't make a connection with the story or the characters. I felt no empathy for the Phantom. He didn't seem like a "tortured" character to me. I never felt much romantic connection between Christine and Roaul either.
And there were parts of the production I was a bit lost in what was going on.
But, I'm not going to discount it, and tell people never to go see it. I'm going to give it another try sometime in the future. And maybe I'll read the book, and listen to the soundtrack and become more famliar with the overall story, then maybe the connection will come.
We all kind of had the same reaction in our family. It was okay, but not the spectacular production we expected. The Princess and Z2 both like the movie version much better.
Would I Be Remembered at U of I?
When I was a senior in the School of Communications, Palin was just arriving. If a reporter had investigated my tenure at the university, there would be some tangible evidence I existed.
But I'm not sure anyone would really remember working with me. I'm not sure classmates would remember me either.
And I think of my professors. I really don't think I made a lasting impression on any of them. If my name was brought up, I seriously doubt they could recall much about me. And the School of Communications wasn't a very tight knit group at the time. You had journalism majors, public relations majors, advertising majors, and radio and tv production. But, if I recall, not a whole lot of cohesiveness in the department.
Yes, I realize I'm not running for political office, but, if by some weird turn of fate I was all of a sudden running for some high profile office, and a reporter started looking into my career at the U of I, they might find this:
1) She was known by members of her Tri Delta sorority, but if questioned by members of other Greek houses, only the ones who were from her hometown even remembered her.
2) Yes, she did work at the Argonaut as a reporter, and she sold advertising, and was an announcer the radio station. Perhaps the name may be familiar, but not sure if I can place the face.
3) She was in the marching band and sang in Jazz Choir but, again, unless she went to high school, or lived with them in the same house, students can't really place her.
4) Was involved in a campus ministry group called Campus Crusade for Christ. The leader at the time remembers her, and maybe a few students involved, even though she was in leadership positions in the group for more than two years.
5) She also got second place her junior year in the U of I talent show. But no one seems to recall who she was, or what talent she performed.
So I was a fairly active college student, but I still think unless you lived with me in the same house, or we went to high school together, I probably didn't make that great of impression on anyone.
Partly because I was very unsure of myself. I didn't know what I wanted to do. I pretty much stayed under the radar. I think it was my choice not to be out there too much.
I remember going to a few UI Alumni functions, and always feeling uncomfortable, because I always felt no one really knew who I was.
And Palin was only there maybe 2 years. And probably a bit unsure of herself, as well.
But now that I am 45, I too have a much stronger personality. I know a bit more who I am, what I want, and have much more confidence than that unsure college student. And I think a big part of it came from moving back home 8 years ago. I'd say a majority of the people here in the Silver Valley know who I am, because I'm out there more. And I'm more outgoing, and friendlier, and am not afraid to take risks and state my opinion.
So, what it all boils down to is it doesn't surprise me that Sarah Palin emerged as a dynamic personality in her home state of Alaska, where she probably gained her confidence in her hometown of Wasilla. And, like me, she was probably helped by having a loving relationship with her husband, family, and her church family.
Pappy's Pizza: My Most Embarrassing Moment
Cross Country, Cheap Gas and Homecoming Dance
Here is Z2 heading toward the finish line at the Cross Country meet in Potlatch. Her coach wanted them all to run the hard, hilly 3.1 mile course below 26 minutes, and I believe she did it!! What a beautiful drive to Potlatch along 95. The fall colors were everywhere, with lots of reds, oranges and yellows to enjoy.Then I stopped at the Coeur d'Alene Casino and gassed up for $2.60 a gallon. It was like hitting the jackpot without playing the machines.
Here is Z2 before she headed to the Homecoming Dance. She said it was fun, and she had a good time.
I Hate It When Cats Don't Come Home
We only live a block away from the river, and Milo used to like to go over there, hunting little critters like mice I suppose.
When I started letting people know Milo was missing, I heard about coyotes being spotted in our subdivision, and that could have been his fate.
The trouble is the not knowing. Did he get hurt by the river? Did coyotes take him away?
What did happen to Milo? He wasn't sick, so he didn't go off to die because of that, like some cats are known to do.
He liked to prowl, but would always come back, usually because he was hungry.
In fact, he always came to the patio sliding glass and jumped up and down until we would let him in the door.
I still get up every morning, hoping to see him jumping up and down.
But I don't think he is coming back.
I don't like losing a pet in this manner.
Goodbye, Milo. You've been a wonderful cat for many years. We all sure miss you.
Hail to the Wildcats, Hats Off to You!!
This was Homecoming Week at Kellogg High School, and the week culminated tonight with the Wildcats beating the Bonners Ferry Badgers at football at Teeter's Field 15 to 6.
PKR and I are the advisers for the Freshman Class, so we had to make sure the Freshmen were doing everything they were suppose to do. Z2 and some of her classmates spent last Sunday afternoon decorating the Annex Hall for the Freshmen.
All week, the students dressed up in different ways, and also had competitions at lunchtime.
Wednesday night was the bonfire, followed by a Volleyball Fun Night. Z2 played in the pep band at the bonfire, and PKR played volleyball.
Today, the students participated in a Homecoming Parade that started at KHS, and went down Cameron Ave., then left on Hill Street to Teeter's Field, where all the students joined together to get excited at the Pep Assembly.
Tonight at the game, the half-time festivities are always a highlight for a "die-hard" football fan like myself.
Z2 was a member of the KHS Pep Band and marched in the Marching Band during half-time. They did a great job!! The ROTC Color Guard then raised their swords, and the homecoming candidates were introduced.
Tonight, Travis Seltenreich and Hannah Rivera were crowned king and queen. Hannah is a good friend of The Princess, and just a sweetheart. And I loved her mother's reaction when we congratulated her as we were going home...
"It is just wonderful she got one of The Lord's little blessings."
Yes it was.
I enjoy being, not only a staff member at KHS now, but an alumni who can actually sing all the words to the KHS Fight Song, "Hail to the Wildcats", and stands at the end of the game, and raises my hand singing the "Alma Mater":
"Hail To The Wildcats, Hats Off To You,
Ever They'll Find You, Loyal and True,
Firm and Undaunted, Always You'll Be
Hail To the School We Love,
Here's a Toast To Thee."
Come, follow, follow, follow
If you have a couple of friends with you, you can make it into a round.
If I had a bouncing ball, I'd put one in...but, sorry, my html skills aren't that advanced.
Are you ready???...a one a and a two a...
Come, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow me.
Part II:
Whither shall I follow, follow, follow,
Whither shall I follow, follow thee.
Part III:
To my sidebar, to my sidebar,
to the Followers sidebar.
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So, I invite you one and all, to follow, follow, follow!!!
How Musicals Affect the Spirit
Wildcats Are #2!!
We also enjoyed traveling to Spokane today to watch Z2 run in a Cross Country meet at Finch Arboretum. She ran in the 2 mile freshman race. She ran a great race, with a time of 14:50. And what a beautiful day it was today.
I had good intentions of having some pics of Z2 at the meet today, but my battery died in my camera. I'll try and get some pics next week.
Things I Like About This Election
1. I have been more interested in finding out how the candidates stand on issues than ever before.
2. I have enjoyed watching the country finally break some barriers in the nomination process.
3. I have seen young people become more interested in voting in this election.
4. My oldest daughter gets to vote in her first election this year.
5. I enjoyed the Vice Presidential debate. (And I enjoyed the SNL parody of it as well. I'm glad we've enjoyed some good humor moments through this election process as well.)
You can listen to Norah Jones song below.
Tag I'm It!!--Lists of Seven All About Silver Valley Girl
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
1. Travel to Europe
2. Visit New York City
3. Publish a Novel
4. Visit every state
5. Learn to play the Electric Guitar
6. Go on a Mission Trip
7. Visit Washington D.C. with my husband
7 Things I Do Now
1. Read the Bible
2. Perform and Entertain others
3. Attend church every Sunday
4. Write
5. Pray for others
6. Enjoy being a wife and mother
7. Dream of travel destinations
7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex
1. Smile
2. Humor
3. Intelligence
4. Kindness
5. Eyes
6. Hair
7. Humility
7 Things That I Say Most Often
1. I love you.
2. Thank you, Father or Thank you, Jesus
3. You goofball!
4. Hey handsome, give me a kiss!!
5. I need a hug.
6. I don't know
7. Yes, I do like to laugh alot.
7 Celebrities That I Admire
1. James Taylor
2. Barbra Streisand
3. Paul Gross
4. Martha Burns
5. Tom Hanks
6. Kristen Chenoweth
7. Aaron Sorkin
7 Favorite Foods
1. Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies
2. Fresh caught steamed crab dipped in butter
3. Fresh clams
4. Fresh Oysters
5. Cheese
6. Fresh greens out of the garden
7. Garden fresh tomatoes
7 People Who Need To Do This
Oh, anyone who thinks it would be fun. If you don't have a blog, email it to me. I'd love to see your lists.
The Way We Were
"Think of a movie theme song that stayed with you long after you saw the film. Share an experience about that movie or the theme." Here is Inland Empire's story, and Raymond Pert's is here.
Well, I think I am going about this a bit backward. I think I actually knew the theme song to the movie "The Way We Were" long before I actually saw the movie. Being a huge Barbra Streisand fan, I purchased many of her albums at a young age, and listened to this song quite a bit.
One memory this song conjures up is being in college at the University of Idaho with PKR. When I started as a freshman in college, PKR was attending college at Western Montana College in Dillon. The following summer we met, (officially, that is, but that is a whole other story), and at the end of the summer, I returned to Moscow to college, and he returned to Dillon. The next fall, he was enrolled at the University of Idaho.
My senior year, two of Paul's siblings, DR and LR were also enrolled as students at the University of Idaho. PKR, LR and I enrolled in a class together together called "Professional Presentation Techniques". We were a team most of the semester, and our assignment was to take a company and make three different types of presentations based on this company. We chose Hewlitt Packard, because my sister's best friend from college had worked there and had some connections.
I don't remember what our first product we presented was about, but I do remember we started out with PKR singing, "The Way We Were". Our next product we presented were HP defibrillators, and, believe it or not, back in 1984, HP was just coming out with the first laptop computer. And that was our final product we presented.
HP-110: HP’s first laptop computer, 1984
An industry breakthrough, the HP-110 weighed only 8.5 pounds and had a 16-bit IBM PC-compatible processor. With 384K ROM and 272K RAM, it had the largest amount of memory available in a portable computer at the time. Unlike previous machines, the computer was aimed at a less technical audience.
I remember we ended our presentation with LR having a briefcase, and opening it up, as if she was going to unveil this production, and she exclaimed, "Oh, it is so light, I must have forgotten it at home!" or something like that.
We were a great team, and got an A in that class.
So "The Way We Were" doesn't bring to mind Robert Redford and Barbara Streisand trying to make their relationship work in this film. Instead, it takes me back to those days at the University of Idaho when PKR and I were falling in love.
Fortunately, we have a much better relationship than Katie and Hubbell could ever manage to have in the movie.