
Delicious Autumn!

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
~George Eliot

Autumn is soon officially upon us..my favorite season of the year. We have had some beautiful fall days, and I look forward to many more.

The school year has started off quite well this year. Everyone is busy going many different directions, but what is new?

Kiki Aru just turned 13 last Friday, and is now officially a teenager. She had a fun birthday party on Saturday with about 15 friends. It is now official. We now have three teenage daughters. I'm actually rather enjoying it. Kiki tried out for the volleyball team, a new experience for her. She was excited to be chosen for the "A" team. I look forward to attending volleyball matches and watching her in a new sport.

Z2 started high school, and is now a freshman at Kellogg High School. She seems to be fitting into things quite nicely at KHS. She is running Cross Country this fall, which is an adjustment. In middle school they run 1.5 miles, and in high school, they run 3.1 miles, so it takes some getting used to. But she is doing well. Lots of sore leg muscles, though. She is also busy with pep band, and will start marching band soon, as well as singing in choir, and taking drama. Even though Z2 is an introvert, she sure enjoys performing (not unlike her father).

The Princess is really enjoying NIC and is making new friends and enjoying her classes. She tried out for a play. She didn't get a part, but thought is was a really fun and positive experience, and received very positive feedback from the director, which made her feel good. I'm also adjusting to not having her here, and am very excited she is enjoying her new college life.

PKR's drama program at KHS had grown like crazy this year. Last year he had one section with about 30 kids. This year, he has two sections, with about 55 drama kids. He just had tryouts for his fall production, and will also be performing in "Godspell" at the Sixth Street Theater. Yes, he realizes he is nuts, but such is the crazy life of the introverted thespian.

I am still at Kellogg Middle School with the Gear Up program, and am also at KHS with my program as well. I'm also in "Godspell". We started rehearsals this week, and I can't wait to put this production on the stage. This is the first musical I saw on the stage, when I was in junior high. Raymond Pert's first wife took me to a production of it at Whitworth College in Spokane, and I have loved it ever since. I have had the soundtrack since junior high, and know every song on the album by heart. (This is sure coming in handy as we learn the music!!)

PKR and I have always been involved on the worship team at our church. But, because of some changes at church, we are now the worship leaders. Actually, the whole family is involved. PKR does lead vocals, and hopes to get back on the drums occasionally. The Princess does vocals when she is home on the weekends. Z2 plays keyboard and vocals. Kiki Aru does keyboard, drums and vocals. And I do vocals and occasionally pull out my flute to play. What a blessing as a family to have us all helping our church worship the Lord.

That is the news from the homefront here in the Silver Valley. Even though computer problems continue to persist at our house, I hope to be a bit more consistent with my blog posts.


  1. I love the quote about autumn. It has been beautiful here. Our flowers have come back to life again! I am eager to see Godspell.

  2. You have so many fun things happening up your way. How in the world did "little" Kiki Aru get to be 13?! Wish her a belated Happy Birthday for me! I still remember the "big Birthday partie" for all three together. Fun memories.

    And...I was so excited to read your comment about coming down! I'll be watching for that email. It will be so good to see you!!!

    Blessings my friend!
    Nita Jo
