
Summer is Keeping Me Hoppin'

I haven't been at my computer much this summer, because I'm busy with many things, and when I finally sit down, I'm too tired to get on the computer.

Right now I am directing and acting in the August production "Phantoms of the Melodrama" at the Sixth Street Melodrama theater in Wallace. We practice every night, Sunday through Thursday. Plus I am in charge of the box office and ticket sales for the July show, "Lookout Mullan", and that involves a lot of time as well.

Last weekend PKR's sister Laurie Roberts put on a concert here in Kellogg singing songs from her new CD. I helped a little bit putting that on, plus our family sang in it as well.

And I am actually getting outside to work in the yard this summer, which I absolutely LOVE!!! I love having fresh greens for my salad, and fresh tomatoes and herbs.

Plus, I leave on Saturday for a trip to Washington D.C. I can't believe I get to go again this summer. I have a conference for work. Some of my plans include going to church Sunday at the National Cathedral, going to the Zoo, and going to see "The Imaginary Invalid" performed at the Shakespeare Theater. This is another play by Moliere, who wrote "The Miser", that our whole family performed in last spring. It looks really good.

I'll have my camera again this summer, and post pictures of my trip.Well, better go shower and get ready to meet with a couple ladies from church, then go grocery shopping so the family has food to eat while I am gone.Just wanted you to know I'm still here.


  1. Wow, my friend, you are a busy lady! I'm looking forward to your pictures from your DC trip. Sounds wonderful. I assume there will be pictures from the Melodrama as well. You are living life!

  2. I'm glad you finally got off your dead can, Pooh, and decided to do something this summer.... ;)

  3. A busy summer is a good summer. Keep the momentum when you get back from your vacation!

  4. Enjoy your trip and I look forward to seeing some great pictures. Did you find your camera?

  5. While the summer keeps you hopping in D.C. go to my blog today and see the award I gave you. Yours is just plain fun to read. Pass it on if you like.
