
School's Out For Summer

A-h-h-h-h-h-h. The first week of summer vacation. Well, at least that is what the calendar says. The snow on the hillsides this morning might indicate otherwise.

The last week of school was full of lots of activities for Z2 and Kiki Aru. On Wednesday morning, all of the KMS students got to got to the newly opened indoor water park at Silver Mountain for free. It was really fun.

That afternoon, the annual KMS talent show was held. Kiki Aru was one of the 6th grade contestants, and performed a song called "Pocketful of Sunshine."

Also during the talent show, different awards were presented. The first award was the Frank S. Reasoner Award, presented to a student in each grade level who is the best all around student. Z2 received this award. She was presented with a framed certificate and $100.

On Thursday afternoon, Z2 participated in the 8th grade completion ceremony. Because she is 8th grade class president, she gave the opening address.

Then she received her promotion to 9th grade at Kellogg High School.

That evening, Z2 joined her classmates for the 8th grade class dance.

It was a fun and busy week. I hope this helps explain a little bit about my absence this past week.


  1. I wondered where you'd been. I would love to hear Kiki Aru sing! Congrats to Z2 on her award!

    Sounds like you've been having lots of fun in your absence. Thank goodness for summer...if you can call it that...we got snow at Bogus Basin this week too! I do love it when God mixes it up a bit! Keeps us on our toes, and I know I appreciate those perfect sunny days a lot more.

  2. Good to have you back bloggin'in Kellogg. I look forward to some more stuff.
