
Stop on the way...Craters of the Moon

As we crossed eastern Idaho, we stopped for a few minutes as Craters of the Moon National Park. You can find out more about this park here.

We saw a little chipmunk enjoying a goody on the sidewalk.

This is a story the Shoshone Indians told about how this land was formed.
For miles and miles, there is nothing but volcanic rock.

There are trails that you can go on and hike through the volcanic land.
This view is across from the Visitor's Center where we stopped.
Here are some rocks that were formed from one of the volcanic eruptions thousands of years ago.

One interesting fact about this park: NASA used parts of this park to train astronauts to use one of the vehicles that they would take when they landed on the moon.

Just another interesting part of the great state of Idaho!!

1 comment:

  1. Our father visited Craters of the Moon with Mom after Mom retired.

    Raymond summed up his feelings: It's the pits.
