
Raised Beds and Flower Pots

Some women enjoy receiving flowers.

Others, a diamond ring.

Maybe others would be wowed by a nice box of chocolates.

I didn't get any of these this weekend...and that was fine with me.
My husband built me four wonderful gifts this weekend...raised garden beds.

Aren't they beautiful!!
PKR is so resourceful. Our wooden deck on the back of the house needs replaced, so he took the deck apart, and used the wood from the deck to build me four raised beds.

In box #1 I planted five tomato plants, basil and a Caribbean Red Pepper.
Box #2 has zuchinni and thyme and oregano.

Box #3 has two different kinds of bush peas, and two different kinds of bush beans. Box #4 has lettuce, arugula, mesclun, spinach, Swiss Chard, and two different kinds of carrots. We were fortunate to have a lot of compost built up, so we filled most of the boxes with the compost, then added some potting soil and steer manure on top. A wonderful feast for my newly planted seeds and plants.

I also planted the flower pots in the front yard.

The front flower bed is springing to life, with all kinds of colors and the green hostas are bursting forth too.
Here are three of my other pots with one of my roses I planted last summer getting off to a good start this spring.

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