
Prom Night

Tonight was Prom Night for The Princess.
Our house was abuzz today with preparations for the "Big Night". Despite a few meltdowns, which, after talking to some other moms, apparently is rather common, she was dressed and ready to go when her date arrived.
The Princess
TW and The Princess getting some energy for the night.

Some crazy posing out in the front yard.

The Princess with her two best buddies, LC and TW.

Here is the group The Princess went to dinner with, and the prom.

They dress up pretty good, I'd say.

Here is the group in front of their white stretch limo that took them to Coeur d'Alene, where they were going to have dinner at Bonsai Bistro. One of the kid's parents was very generous and rented the limo for them to travel to Coeur d'Alene for dinner.

Here is The Princess and TW in the limo.

I can't wait until she gets home to hear how everything went.


  1. Beautiful pictures... thanks for sharing! I love her dress.

  2. Oh my, she looks so beautiful and so grown up! I was going through pictures two nights ago and ran across some of her baby photos. It seems like it was only yesterday...

  3. looked like a great night and what a treat for them to go by limo to Bonsai. Matt bussed tables there two summers ago and raved about the food. Hope her parents had just as nice a night!

  4. Great pictures--I hope she made lots of happy memories! Paul and I took the kids to the park to play Saturday afternoon, and a gaggle of prom-goers showed up to get some photos taken on the playground. They looked like they were having so much fun, and it really brought back memories!

  5. I remember Senior Prom so vividly. I loved the limo Dad rented for me and Cara. We had it all to our self and Dad had a wet bar as part of the deal so we could have a few smashes before and after dinner. John Venutti was our driver. We ate at the Topper, Too in Cd'A and I spilled some special sauce on my pants, but they were of a hearty polyester blend and the sauce cleaned right off. I wonder often if Cara remembers this wonderful night as clearly as I do.

  6. You must be very proud! Thanks for sharing.

  7. oh gracious me.... what a beautiful post to come back to.... what a gorgeous dress and what a beautiful couple.....

    and what memeories that will store.....

