
Silver Valley's Girls Version of Poem Where I'm From

IEG gave us Sibling Assignment #61 this week:

In honor of National Poetry Week use the poem Where I'm From by George Ella Lyon and compose a piece about where you're from. You can find the poem and background at http://www.georgeellalyon.com/where.html.

IEG's poem is here, and RP's will be here.

I am from string mops,
From Spic ‘n Span, and S.O.S. pads.
I am from green moss in the flower bed.
(Green, and soft
Like nature’s own lush carpet.)
I am from lilac bushes and
The backyard maple tree
That had many trunks growing out
From the roots.

I am from oatmeal cookies and plastic rain bonnets
Folded into a matchbook-size pouch.
I am from flea tickets
And cooties,
From the lunch recess call at Sunnyside School
Saying “third graders on the other side.”

I’m from Rose Lake and Cedar Island,
Creamed peas and new potatoes.
From my grandma with her hunchback,
To the splinter that blinded my dad in one eye.

In my bedroom was a cedar chest
Full of mom and dad’s love letters,
Mom’s wedding veil that I take out and I try on,
and other family treasures.
It helps connect me to my parent’s past.

I’m also from green short shag carpet,
Cast iron skillets, Revereware that never
Wears out,
And a clear Pyrex percolator brewing MJB coffee.

I’m from All in the Family, The Mary Tyler Moore Show,
The Carol Burnett Show
and M*A*S*H*,
Hee Haw, The Lawrence Welk Show
And Marcus Welby M.D.

I’m from yearly summer trips to Orofino to watch
Dworshak Dam rise from the riverbed,
Trips to Spokane visit to Grandma, and shopping at Northtown
and University City.
Journeys that forever helped defined who I was, and what I would be.


  1. We certainly have some similar themes in our poems. I loved your part about school and recess. I could have continued about ten more verses! Maybe I will do part 2 another time.

  2. Love your poem... made me feel warm & fuzzy. Reminded me of our similarities as well as our interesting differences.

    I think I will do this assignment for myself. A little bit of fun self-discovery.
