These few weeks are crazy in our household. Z2, Kiki Aru and I arrived home from Caldwell on Saturday. The picture above shows Kiki Aru and her two friends doing their performance on the conflict of the Salem Witch Trials. They did a great job.
I'll post the documentary Z2 made with her friends on the Conflict and Compromise of the Coeur d'Alene Indian's Tribe soon.
PKR and The Princess hop on a bus tomorrow morning and head to State Speech competition in Rupert, Idaho. They'll return early Sunday morning.
Today, Kiki Aru is in Coeur d'Alene at Triple Play for a band field trip.
Z2 takes off to the Great White North on Sunday morning to a trip to Inverness, British Columbia on a band trip. She'll return on Tuesday.
Then there is my schedule. I go away for the weekend to the beautiful town of Cataldo for a Women's Encounter weekend with some ladies from our church. I get home Sunday afternoon, then I take a few deep breaths and prepare for my trip to Boise the next morning for my spring Gear Up conference. I'll be back on Wednesday afternoon.
If reading this schedule tires you out, just think how I am feeling!!
But I'll get to spend some time with some friends in Boise, so that will be good. I look forward to that.
So if you don't hear much from me in the next week, you'll know why.
Take a breather some time!