
Thanks For The Award Sis

Thanks to my sister Inland Empire Girl for awarding me the Best Blogging Buddies Award, and the nice comment she said about my blog here.

I feel like I have become a bit disjointed these last few weeks in the blogging world, so this was a nice way to get me jump started again. I've missed writing my daily posts, and reading other blogs, and commenting on them.

I am passing the Blogging Buddy Award on to four different bloggers who are all guys who have lived in the Silver Valley at one time or another.

First is my brother, Raymond Pert at Kellogg Bloggin. He showed me what blogging is all about, and has shown me that writing honestly can be a very courageous and healing thing to do.

Next is Go Figure at Placer Creek. This past year his comments have been very encouraging and thought provoking. His posts can often make me think in ways I haven't before, or I laugh out loud because they are so humorous. Go Figure grew up in the Centre of the Universe, Wallace, Idaho.

I also enjoy reading Idaho Escapee at Atmospheric Ruminations. His posts range from politics to music to odd trivia that I find very enjoyable. I know if I ever have any questions about music, Idaho Escapee is the one to ask.

My last award goes to one of my newest blogging buddies, Cedar Street Kid at Drivals and Snivals. I've enjoyed his comments, and his observances on life. He also grew up in the Center of the Universe with Go Figure, and has now returned to live in his hometown.

Thanks, guys, for helping make blogging a rich and wonderful experience.


  1. Great choices :) and you so deserve your award...


  2. SVG-love your posts.Congrats on your reward.Also, thanks for the nice comments . I am blushing.All of you guys and ladies are great, and that is what makes this fun.

  3. SVG,
    Thank you and best to you. Your blog site is always the first one I go to.
