
Winter Walk--Looking back at Kellogg Junior High School

Looking back at Kellogg Middle School from the bridge crossing the South Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River.

This is the back of the building where I work, Kellogg Middle School. The large window is at the end of the ramp that heads to the library.

This morning I looked back on this building and took this picture. Then, in my mind, I also looked back to the time I was a student in this building.

I attended this school when it was called Kellogg Junior High School. I went to grades 7, 8 and 9 in this building, in the mid to late 70's. I was the only sibling to attend junior high at this school, because it opened after Inland Empire Girl was already in high school.

I had good times, and not so good times in this building as a student.

I learned I loved to read, write and study poetry in this school.

I learned I sucked at Algebra. I never could figure out from Mrs. Abelman how to balance the equations.

It was during these years I learned to "put on a happy face" and act like everything when okay, even when I was miserable.

I learned to play the piccolo, and still remember playing the "special part" during "Stars and Stripes Forever".

I experienced having a fellow classmate get pregnant at the beginning of my 9th grade year, and have the baby at the end of the year. It was strange, but for me personally, it was an effective form of birth control, because I knew I didn't want to get pregnant until I was ready.

Drama class my freshman year exposed me to acting on the stage for the first time, and writing my first play.

Even though some of those times at Kellogg Junior High School were difficult, and made me feel fat, ugly, stupid and like a loser, they helped shape me into the person I am today.

And, overall, that isn't such a bad thing.


  1. I was just sharing with my class today some of my punishments at KJHS for talking too much... sitting under a table in a dress.... putting my nose next to LC at the chalkboard....of course... I did talk too much.. but still!!

  2. Happy late BDay. My computer was down for 4 days, so missed a lot of posts.
    Yes, Jr High was a riot in Wallace,too. hard days. You don't know who you you are,even what you are, but somehow we made it. I would not like ro repeat Jr, High, but HS was a blast.
    Nice pitcures, the pas few days,SVG

  3. IEG--As you know, I too had a problem with excessive talking, and also got in got in trouble as well.

    CSK--Glad your computer is back up and running. Glad you have been enjoying the pics.
