
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me A Match

Sorry for the absence as of late, but when it gets down to a week before the opening of a play, my head is more with the play, and my character.

This week, my focus is on becoming Frosine, the Matchmaker in "The Miser".

One more dress rehearsal tomorrow night, then opening night on Friday.

Then I can get my head back into blogging once again.

Hey, if you want a great night of fun entertainment, make your reservations, and come and see "The Miser". See the post below for all the information you need to get tickets.


  1. Hey, break a leg! Can't wait to read all about opening night. :)

  2. Good luck! Sounds like a cool production!

  3. You've been tagged Matchmaker on my blog. Do it if you have time!

  4. Dam, katrina beat me to it LOL I was gonna say 'break a leg' GOOD LUCK with everything.....
