
Family Friday--Hibernating

We've pretty much holed up into our cave this past week, and haven't ventured out a whole lot.
We stayed home on Monday because of a Snow Day.
Tuesday and Wednesday we all went to school.
But more Snow Days on Thursday and Friday kept us home.
Friday PKR and I did venture to Wallace so I could get some bloodwork done, and he stayed at the theater building sets for The Miser.
We have both had a cold, so staying inside sounds good.
I watched some of the first season of "The Office" that we had got from Netflix. It had its funny moments, but the Michael Scott character portrayed by Steve Carrel drives me nuts. I think that is the point, but I think watching it weekly would work better for me. Watching episode after episode was a little much for me.
I've watched a couple of old classic movies I got from Netflix this last week as well..."All About Eve" and "A Streetcar Named Desire".
I loved "All About Eve", and Betty Davis was amazing. It was a well written script, and a wonderful back stage look at the theater.
The only part of "A Streetcar Named Desire" I had ever seen was the Marlon Brando character yelling "STELLA!!!". It was nice to finally see the whole movie. I thought Vivien Leigh did an outstanding performance as Blanche.
Well, it is time to crawl back in my cave and get some shuteye. See you in the spring!!

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