
Silver King School Collapses

Silver King School, outside of Smelterville, Idaho, collapsed under heavy snow on Friday, Jan. 11.

It was very sad waking up and looking at the morning's newspaper to find the picture above. It is a picture of Silver King School collapsed. It happened yesterday.

According to the article, the building collapsed due to heavy snow on the roof. The front part of the building, where the gym was, was totally gone. Two transportation workers were injured in the collapse while trying to escape the trailer where the transportation office is. The car of one of these workers was smashed under the rubble.

If you have been reading my blog, and my sibling's blogs over the past year, you know that Silver King School played an important part in our lives growing up. Our mother taught there for many years. My brother-in-law Kent was also a student there.

The picture is sad to look at, and they will probably have to tear the whole building down now because of the damage.
A sad, sad day.


  1. This is hard news to take. Very sad.

  2. Sad when something like this happens, especially when its to something that holds such wonderful memories for you all....

    Just glad that it was not packed with kids and that no one was seriously injured.....


  3. Wucky sent me an email about this. I'd sure like to see even better photos. It's hard to imagine. A lot of ghosts in that building; and, a lot of kids running and sliding in stocking feet up and down the hallways.
