
Perfect Ending to a Perfect Summer

Mom has had a friend and her daughter staying with her these past few days, and they came over to our house tonight for dinner. What a joyous time it was.

We did an early birthday celebration for Kiki Aru complete with cheesecake and candles.

The talk around the dinner table, for a while, was centered on how flexible teachers should be with their students when it comes to them handing in their work.
Being flexible won at this table.

We also talked about Larry Craig, and how our culture demonizes homosexuality, and that women also have a code in public restrooms for propositioning one another. (That is what Raymond Pert shared with us.)

It was fun listening to mom and her friend talk about past friends and their lives growing up in Orofino, and how they both married Kellogg boys, and ended up living in Kellogg and raising their families here.

The girls even brought Lester out to join in the fun. (We could because Aunt Inland Empire Girl wasn't here to be creeped out by his presence.)

The girls were enjoying their last moments of summer, and were thinking about having to get up early tommorow to get ready for school.
It was a perfect ending to a perfect summer.

1 comment:

  1. It was such a deep,meaningful post until the picture of LESTER came to view. Yikes!
