
What To Do With My Apricots

Inland Empire Girl brought me a large paper bag full of apricots from her friend's tree this last weekend. I had pondered various ways to use this wonderful fruit. And once I saw fruit flies buzzing around the bag, I figured it was time to make a decision on what to do with the fruit.

For a while I thought I would make apricot jam. But this evening, I decided I would get the food dryer off the top shelf of the pantry, and dry the apricots.

I went through the bag and sorted the soft and mushy fruit from the firm fruit. Then I cut the fruit in half, removed the pits, and put the halves in a bath of Fruit Fresh and water. Then I placed them on trays, stacked them, and let the dryer do its magic.

Sometime tomorrow, I should have some wonderful dried apricots to snack on and enjoy for the next few weeks. Yum!! Yum!!


  1. You know, InlandEmpireGirl brought those apricots for you to make jam. I suppose none of the girls will eat the dried apricots. They don't like apricots, you know. Does PKR like apricots? (Fill in the blank) died you know. He/she used to work at Rullman's and was married to the brother of the woman who worked the counter at Pik Kwiks because I went there after your father had a bowling tournament in Missoula and she told me that Dorothy bought a new outfit at Patano's because she wore it on the Fourth of July when Buddy brought that dog that chased sticks all day in the lake...I'll tell you one thing, that dog never got tired because Don was married to his second wife, she worked with Pat's sister at the bakery and they used to make this banana bread your father would never eat because you know he never like apricots.

  2. The apricots look amazing. . .

    Wow - Pert really had something to say. . .didn't he?

  3. Great job drying the apricots. Perfect picture. I love them that way you know. Raymond Pert is right about one thing...Dorothy did buy a new outfit at Patano"s..he's nuts you know.

  4. Have you ever tried making Sunshine Jam with apricots? Delicious! :)

  5. Sunshine Jam sounds like a great idea. I'll have to try it sometime.
