
Uncle Harry

Uncle Harry and "his women".

On our trip this past week we had a wonderful time visiting my Uncle Harry. Harry was my dad's older brother, the only living sibling from my dad's family. He lives in a retirement home in Boise.

Uncle Harry treated us to lunch at Roundtable Pizza. We had fun visiting Harry, and to have us call us "his women". I spent some time asking Harry about growing up in Kellogg and Wardner, and the places they lived. First they lived on Brown Ave., then they moved to Wardner and lived on Courderoy Hill, then they moved the 3rd Street in Kellogg, which is the same house my babysitter Mrs. Price lived when she took care of me. I look at this house now and never realized how tiny it was. Harry is my last connection to my dad and their life in the Silver Valley.
PKR also got a turn on Uncle Harry's lap!!

Harry made us laugh as he told us stories of playing Bingo with the ladies at his residence who were 102 and 98 years old. When we got back to drop him off, one of the lady residents was sitting outside, and he referred to her as a "real fox".

He shared about his faith and church and how he has realized over the years that someone doesn't have to go to one particular church and be right, but that as long as Jesus is your Saviour, it is okay. Amen to that Uncle Harry.
Z2 laughs it up with Uncle Harry.

Harry has been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for over 50 years. He did substance abuse counseling at the VA hospital in Boise for years, but now he says he enjoys staying at his home and making the older ladies feel special.

His wife, my Aunt Phyllis, passed away a couple of years ago, and he still chokes up talking about her.

Kiki Aru and Uncle Harry, too!!

Uncle Harry kept saying we made an old man's day, but I think "his women" were also blessed by the time spent with Harry.

Harry is a goofier version of my dad, but in a very good, loving, special way.

I love Uncle Harry's open heart and giving nature.
Uncle Harry...The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy!!

When we droppped him off, he invited us up to his "bachelor pad" as he refers to his small apartment. He kept bragging about how he could play his bugle for us. He explained that when he was a student at Kellogg High School, he was a member of the Drum and Bugle Corps, and often shared this fact with his friends. Well, his friends heard it enough that one of them purchased him a bugle. We were fortunate enough to hear him play his bugle.

He said he often goes down to the dining hall and plays the bugle for the residents. He said they aren't ever that impressed.

I am so glad we spent a few hours with Uncle Harry. The girls got a big kick out of him, and they enjoyed his humor and his jokes.

Connecting with family is very important, and spending time with Uncle Harry this past week was a very special blessing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. SilverValleyGirl: I deleted the first one... let's try it again. Great post and I love the pictures of " those real foxes" from Kellogg.

  3. Sounds like Harry is the Sweetheart of the retirement home. Just aren't enough old guys to go around. (My dad gets giggles from the old ladies who frequent the Boat restaurant in Smelterville.) Guess these guys with a sense of humor probably get more attention that the crabby old men.

    I love that your Uncle Harry is vocal about his faith. I am still waiting for my dad to discover his need for the Lord.
