
Time to GEAR UP for my new job

Since graduating from college, I have had a long and winding career path, from college admissions director to radio announcer, to newspaper reporter, to office manager.

Next week, I add GEAR UP Site Coordinator to the list.

I got a new job. It was one of those serendipitous occasions where everything fell into place and all the stars aligned and I was approached about this position and I applied and went for an interview and got the job.

GEAR UP stands for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs.

The goal of GEAR UP for the Kellogg School District is to provide comprehensive early intervention services for Kellogg Middle School students in cooperation with their parents that will help them learn about, prepare for and succeed in college.

The mission of GEAR UP Idaho is to inspire students to become active in their educational experience and to ensure they are academically prepared for advancement to post-secondary education; and to increase the economic development and quality of life of Idaho residents by offering avenues to post-secondary education.

So I get to spend the next five years working with students helping them become more successful as students and to show them how getting a high school education and education beyond high school can open up a whole new world for them.

This has been a passion of mine since my first job as the Director of Admissions and Public Relations at Dawson Community College in Glendive, Montana.

I can't tell you how excited I am to help develop this program.

I am flying down to Boise next month to find out more about the program and get some training, and also attend a conference in Spokane to learn more. These two things will help me get started.

So I'm phasing out of my old job and phasing into the new one.

Lots of changes in our household this fall. PKR changing teaching jobs and going to Kellogg High School, me working at Kellogg Middle School, The Princess starting her senior year, Z2 going into 8th grade, and Kiki Aru starting 6th grade at KMS.

We are all looking forward to the changes...


  1. Wow! Your bro mentioned something about a new job for you in a recent blog, so I've been curious about it. Congratulations! I know you'll do a great job, and they are fortunate to have you.

  2. I excited for you to "gear up" for this new job. Our site coordinator will be presenting at the conference in Spokane. I will work on making sure you connect!

  3. YAY for you, how exciting! I know you'll be excellent at this job. Big Congratulations, my dear friend!

  4. Very cool. By the way, this is the first I've read about your past as a newspaper reporter ... Shoshone News-Press? I've worked with some former SNP reporters. I always thought it would be fun to be a reporter in the Silver Valley. Some of my favorite all-time stories have come out of the valley.

  5. Yes, I was a reporter at the SNP from 2001-2005. I was the education reporter, and that is a big reason why I got this job, is because they knew my work through my job as a reporter. It was a great job, and I gave it up to write my "great American novel" (which I am still working on). My favorite parts of the job were reporting on the kids in the schools and the features I wrote about Silver Valley residents. I loved learning the history of the area.

  6. What a cool job! I think kids these days need help in figuring out, "what do I do now?"...boy, I wish I had this type of mentoring....big props to you!

  7. Thanks Rosieboo. I agree, and I'm glad I get a chance to help a group of them out.

  8. Awesome job! It would be so much fun - as well as work - to develop such a program for young people.

    God has certainly positioned your family to be movers and shakers in the Valley, brining improvement as well as light and salt. Congrats to all of you!

  9. Thanks PIMD. I am really looking foward to it, and working with kids to show them how important education in is their lives.
