
I get that sinking feeling when...

I haven't posted a Sundy Scribbling in a while. This week's prompt is "I get that sinking feeling..." This post is kind of a downer, but these are the things that give me that icky, sinking feeling in my stomach. Here are some more Sunday Scribblings here.

1. I have to go to work and tell the people I have been working with the last two years that I got another job and I will be leaving them.
2. My oldest daughter tells me that her two best friends are going to go to a high school 40 miles away and she feels all alone as she starts her senior year.
3. I say goodbye to Rainee, a little Pom we have been dogsitting that I grew attached to in a very short time.
4. I plan a brunch for a bunch of wonderful ladies, but the timing was bad, people are still busy with summer plans, so only a few are able to show up.
5. Words come out of my mouth that may be hurtful to someone, even though this was not my intention at all.
6. I hear "The Loud Family" across the street yelling at each other, yelling at their kids, and their kids swearing at each other while they play outside.
7. People say the "F" word around me. I just hate that word.
8. I see the effects of meth on the face of a woman in the store.
9. A child is the target of a bully.
10. I see an animal who has been abused.


  1. Actually, I think it is a great way of answering the prompt from Sunday Scribblings.

  2. if i may add to it,

    i get the ultimate of sinking feeling when i get to know about abused children.

  3. These all definitely gave me a sinking feeling...it's a shame that we can feel it so often, isn't it? Thank goodness for the happy moments in between that rejuvenate us.

  4. sink sank sunk
    i think this is something all of us can relate to...

  5. 1. I'm very sorry about The Princess' friends. I'll have to learn more about this.

    2. We come from the same mother and the same father. Why such divergent and opposite feelings about the "F" word?

    3. The family across the street gives me a sinking feeling all the way to the bottoms of my heels.

    4. I'd love to work a vet's office except when abused animals come in.

    5. Meth, in my opinion, is the clearest, least subtle evidence, of evil at work in the world. It is the devil's play drug.

  6. Good post, and I'd like to share a tip for people who find colors too hard to read on a dark background. like I did and then found a way to read it-just run your mouse over like you're going to copy the text and it shows up with a white background.

  7. As sinking feelings go, abuse, neglect, of children top my list. sickening feeling.

  8. SS isn't very cheery this week is it? Here's hoping for some happier thoughts to counteract all those things that'd bring us down.

  9. No, not very cheery this week, as the above commenter noted. But sometimes that's necessary.

    It has served to be very revealing for me this week. I'm writing about those revelations.

  10. Great post. I guess all of us have experience that sort of sinking feeling one way or another.
    Thanks for sharing them.

  11. I understand your sinking feelings.
    Hopefully after your awesome two-day trip you have positive feeling to counteract these!

  12. you forgot
    11. When it takes ten hours too download pictures when it should really take 5 seconds.

  13. I can feel many of those. You've made me feel so bad for those kids across your street, your daughter, the meth addict, and the meek.

  14. Great Post! I honestly feel that some people should really be banned fro having children and animals. But how could they be screened beforehand so that the misfortune is avoided.
