
Silver Valley Summer Garden

I tried to get out in the yard today before it got over 100 degrees, and check out some things in my yard. One thing I did this morning before it got too hot was make cookies. Homemade chocolate chip cookies are my favorite. Luckily my ovens don't heat up the kitchen too bad.
One of my FAVORITE perennials is the Moombeam Coreopsis. It started blooming about a week ago, and will bloom all summer long. The blooms are so cheerful.
I love impatients. Here are a few small pots on the front porch steps.

This planter between our two garage doors is perfect for growing petunias.
Here is the Fourth of July climbing rose I received from Mom for my birthday. I need to get up early tomorrow in the cool of the day and get it planted in the front of the house.
The raspberries are starting to ripen and ready to pick. Yum! Yum!
My one attempt at vegetables this year are four tomato plants in buckets on the deck. Here are a few Early Girls that are doing quite nicely.
I also have a Roma Tomato plant, and two Beefsteak Tomato plants. This has been an experiment this year. Here are some Sweet Peas that come up every year. My friend Chris, who used to live here, said they are from Ireland.
I love my yard. I think if I move from this house, I will miss the yard much more than the house. It is just a really great yard.


  1. I am glad to see the picture of the petunias. I meant to comment to you how perfect they were in that container in front. I hope the play went great tonight.

  2. Nice! Our raspberries are finally ripening. My husband usually picks them every day (and eats all he picks) - leaving a lot still on the bushes. I haven't been out back for a few days, because after work I want to stay inside where it is cool.

  3. Your blog came up in my google search for growing petunias! I love the moombeam coreopis and have been searching for a flowering plant/perenniel for my garden, which is small b/c we live in a townhome. Thanks! Very beautiful garden. Stay cool!
