
Last stop....Baltimore, Maryland

On my trip back east with Z2 a few weeks ago, we spent five days in Washington D.C., then spent the last two days in Baltimore, Maryland.

The harbor area has been recently renovated and has lots of shops and restaurants.

But what is Baltimore famous for? Fresh crab. So I wanted fresh crab. Well, after crashing a taking a nap for a few hours, Z2 and I got up and looked at the map, and I found a place about 10-15 blocks down the harbor that had fresh crab. So we headed out on foot. It is about 8 p.m. at night.
One of the first places we saw on our walk was an Irish pub. I told Z2 if she hadn't been with me, I may have gone in and checked it out. It was named after James Joyce, and it sounded kind of cool.
As we kept walking toward the restaurant, we were in a neighborhood with houses really close to each other with stoops out front. I think they are called row houses, maybe. When we walked by one of these buildings, Z2 got really excited because there was a table outside one of the doors with a chess table on it, and two old men playing chess. She thought it was just like something you'd see in a movie.

When we were about five blocks into our walk, I stopped and wondered if this was such a wise thing to do. This was uncharted territory for us. But I guess we are more adventurous than I thought, because we kept walking.

We made it to the restaurant, and actually ate at the wrong one, but that's okay. We did get crab, but not sure how fresh it was.

We headed back and toyed with the idea of hailing a taxi, but we had no idea how one goes about doing that, so we walked.

I headed us up a few street too far at one point, and as we were walking down the street there was a big police station, so that made me feel pretty good. But then we got to the crosswalk, and on the side of the building across the street it said "videos, lingerie and books" I figured we shouldn't keep walking that way, so we took a left past the "Gospel Mission" (another red flag), and told Z2 to now walk quickly.
Most of this area actually seemed safe, but we did go down one street with a vacant lot, and, as we got closer to this vacant lot, a big black rat scurried across the road into the lot, carrying a plastic grocery bag. The rat was about the size of our pomeranian Sadie. You gotta love the city!!

Well, I got us back on track, and we made it back to our hotel safe and sound. That was our evening in Baltimore.

The next day we visited a special piece of American history. More on this special visit in another post....


  1. I didn't know you were so cosmopolitan.

    Was the rat named Patches?

  2. Thank you for not bringing the rat home to join your animal kingdom. It was enough when your pet rat Patches took a tour across my face one night during our youth. This black one may have put me over the edge! ( find the meds... quickly!) lol.

  3. To be serious for a second: I've always wanted to go to Baltimore.

  4. No, I don't think I would have brought this rat home. ING and Rp, you would really enjoy Baltimore. We ate lunch in a part that is like an old British city, with street names like Thames Street, and there are cobblestone streets. When we took a water taxi one of the locals told us to go eat at a restaurant called John Steven, Ltd. and I had a great crab cake sandwich. I really hope we get a chance to return another time.

  5. Instead of Jack and Dan's on our next sibling tour how about Baltimore... Cosmopolitan SVG... you can treat!
