
The Grandma Bushnell Rose

This rose belonged to my husband PKR's Great Grandma Bushnell. Her son Wayne had it in his yard, then PKR's Aunt Susie got a cutting for her yard here in Kellogg.

When Aunt Susie and Uncle Ralph moved this spring, we were fortunate enough to get to take the rose and transplant in our front yard flower bed next to the house.This rose is blooming for the first time this week. If someone from Meridian is reading this, could you please make sure Susie sees this post so she can see the pictures of the rose in bloom.

This rose is a symbol of the uniting of PKR's family and my own. Our families started way before we were married.

My Grandma Woolum lived in a duplex here in Kellogg, and next door Mrs. Bushnell lived with her children Wayne and Naydeen. (Naydeen is PKR's grandma). I would say this was sometime in the late 1920's or early 1930's.

I remember Grandma Woolum telling me stories after PKR and I were dating about remembering PKR's Grandpa Paul Taylor "courting" Naydeen on the front porch of the duplex. My Grandma spoke fondly of Mrs. Bushnell, and I think enjoyed being her neighbor.

Another connection before PKR and I were married was Uncle Wayne and my dad. For many years they both worked at the Bunker Hill Zinc Plant together, and Wayne would pick Dad up for work every morning around 7 a.m.

Wayne's wife Charlotte was a teacher, and I had her for seventh grade English at Kellogg Junior High School.

And now we have this rose to remind us of the wonderful connections that have been made over the years here in the Silver Valley.


  1. I love the more old-fashioned roses. The color of the red is so vivid also. I am eager to see it up close.

  2. It's taken me about 40 years, but I think I'm finally getting the Woolum/Taylor/Bushnell connections straight...Naydeen and Wayne were sibs...that's a good start...duplex..Grandma...okay..it's coming
