
#84--My Tree--Rolling on into Summer

And so the seasons went rolling on into summer,
as one rambles into higher and higher grass.
- Henry David Thoreau


  1. Now your tree matches the Japanese maple. What a lovely color. Again, I love the quote.

  2. That truely is a beautiful tree..... I have this shrub/tree thing at the bottom of me long narrow garden....... I love it, I love the colour, its a little like the colour of your tree....... I call it 'my life tree'...... ya see, when we had the fire down the back which distroyed our caravan and me neighbours garage full of vintage cars and oh so much more..... this shrub/tree got burnt down beyond reconition... just a few tall blackened branches..... everyone told me to dig it up, to get rid of it..... but I refused....... I LOVED this shrub/tree before and I willed it to sprout again in the coming spring...... and it did, amongst all the charred branches it began to sprout new growth from the base :) and now its gotta be 12-15 foot tall and wide and lush and strong.... and I left to dead branches in the middle that stick out the top as a symbol of how fragile life can be, and how one can also hit rock bottom and still grow and flourish and regrow.......

    Waffling, right? sigh...... sorry...

