
Kiki Aru and Z2 in the Hershey Track Meet

Here are Z2 and Kiki Aru warming up and getting ready for the Hershey Track Meet today. (And you thought track season was over!)

Z2 comes in a strong second place in the 800 run.Kiki Aru is the fourth leg on their 4 x 100 relay team.Kiki Aru finishes first in the 200 yard dash.
SD beats his friend GP in a close race in the 1600 run. (I thought this was a cool picture).
Z2 finished with a first in the 4 x 100, and first in the long jump, and a second in the 800. Kiki Aru finished first in her 4 x 100 relay and first in the 200 yard dash. Both girls qualify to attend the North Idaho State Hershey Track Meet on June 16 at Sather Field in Silverton. If they do really well, they can qualify to attend the National Hershey Track and Field competition in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
This is the fourth or fifth Hershey Track Meet Z2 has participated in, and I know a lot of the success she achieved this track season was because she participated in these track meets. They gave her confidence, and showed her how things are done. Kiki Aru is also showing much promise as a runner.
Good job, girls!!!!


  1. Thanks for the cool track pictures. As I sat at the state track meet last week I imagined what it will be like to be there in a couple of years watching my nieces!

  2. Oh my goodness. Those photos of your kids running on the track reminded me of being in junior high in Kellogg and running track. I loved that track (all weather-very cool at the time). I grew up in the "subdivision" just down the road in an old Bunker Hill house. Walked to school every day (the whole block). I remember thinking that the junior high looked like a prison, but we loved it. Unfortunately I moved out of town March of my ninth grade year, so I didn't get to graduate from KHS, however had many friends who did. My grandma still lives in Kellogg and I did take dance from Betty Damiano and swam at the Y. Grandma lives just around the corner from the old Swanson's store and we bought many a treat there when visiting her. My brother sent me the link to your blog. He loves it--a little bit of nostalgia for some of us.

  3. Laurie--I can't wait until we get to go to state track meets!!

    Anonymous--Thanks so much for commenting. I'm glad you can get a bit of nostalgia from my blog. Yes, I danced for Miss Betty, and now my daughter dances for her daughter Joni. I hope you keep reading and commenting, and maybe I will figure out who you and your brother are...oh, and I live in the "subdivision" now that you probably grew up in.

  4. SilverValleyGirl: More interesting to me is who you are? I would have graduated in 1985 had I not moved away. My grandma is Mary Lennon. I live in Montana now. (f/k/a Anonymous)

  5. If you look on my Simple Gesture post, you will see my dad's grave marker,and see what my last name is. You probably went to school with my brother in law David Roberts. I know your Grandma Mary, and my dad and your grandpa were friends. Do you remember April Vergobbi? She was one of my best friends growing up. I graduated in 1981. If you read through my blog entries, and my brother and sister's blog, you will probably figure out my identity.

    If you want to talk more, email me at pkrbywed@juno.com
