
#61 My Tree--Japanese Maple

Here is another "guest" tree. This is the Japanese Maple in my backyard. It is just starting to leaf out. It will continue to fill in, and look really nice this summer. Next to my tri-colored beech, it is my next favorite tree in my yard.


  1. Looks like you have a lovely big garden...... Im well envious :).....me garden in me little 100 year old house is long but oh so thin.... use to own a plant nursery with a big of land when I was married........ I miss that.......... the plants and the land that is, NOT the hubby LMFAO


  2. Thank you. Yes, we were fortunate to move to this house last year that has a double lot and the former owners landscaped well and took good care of their yard. It will take a while to make it our own garden, but I'm willing to be patient and see what comes of it. It is hard for me to keep house plant alive in the house, but I can grow about anything outside. I'll post more pics as the yard progresses. I would love to visit England some day and visit all the lovely gardens!!
