
Z2 Advances to National History Day and Carries on a Family Legacy

Don't these three look excited!! It is because Christina, Sheila and Z2 placed second in the Junior Division Group Performances category, receiving three superior ratings which means in June they are going to the National History Day in Washington D.C.

Their peformance was on "The Triumph and Tragedy of the Sunshine Mine Disaster". They wrote a script based on research they did on this subject. They did a very good job. So Z2 and I, along with Christina, Sheila, and their parents, and GT Facilitator Marcia Wall and Brianna Wendt, who received first in the Senior Division Individual Performance will be traveling to the Nation's Capitol in June. Here they are doing their performance.

Another exciting part of this whole History Day experience is the fact my daughters are carrying on a legacy. My mom developed the Gifted and Talented program in the Kellogg School District in the early 1980's, and started helping her students develop projects to go to the History Day competition. She traveled herself to Washington D.C. at least one time. Now her granddaughters are carrying on the History Day tradition.

It always excited Mom to help her students work on the different projects. Just the other day she mentioned one of her former students, and can recall who they partnered with and what their project was all about. She always enjoyed helping her students find research on a particular topic and to develop their research into a viable project.

I also enjoy doing this with my girls. It was so exciting for me to work with both of my daughters on their projects, and I loved the fact they both had local history topics. I learned alot about both topics, and learned a lot about the strenghths as they worked on this project.

I always told Z2 and Kiki Aru that they were my ticket to get to go visit Washington D.C. And Z2 has 5 more years to go, and Kiki Aru has 7 more years to participate, so who knows, I may have more trips in the future!!

If anyone wants more information on History Day, go here.

Students can begin participating in fourth or fifth grade, up to their senior year. There are many cash prizes and scholarships given out. One of our seniors, who also made it to nationals, received a $5,000 scholarship from Albertson's College of Idaho. It is also a wonderful learning process of research, process, writing a bibliography and annotating research.

Students can participate in exhibits, documentaries, performances or write essays. They also added a new category this year of developing a web page. Or email me at pkrbywed@juno.com and I will give you more info as well.


  1. Congratulations to the Roberts girls!

    How many boxes of cookies and chocolate need to be sold now?

    Be sure to hit up Uncle Raymond Pert.

  2. WOW!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of Z2 and Kiki Aru. You must be beside yourself with pride Mom/Sister. Give them both a big hug. I am so thrilled you get to go to D.C. Great post and nice words about Mom.

  3. These are really outstanding accomplishments. The projects were brilliant. Congratulations,
    Starr Kelso
