
Thank God There Are No Technicals in Track and Field

What a pleasant afternoon I had today. Z2 had another track meet at the Lake City High School track, with Canfield Middle School in Coeur d'Alene hosting the meet.

I really enjoy watching track. I think it is exciting to watch the runners, the jumpers, and the hurdlers. And I have a wonderful group of parents whose kids are on the team who I sit with for a few hours and who also enjoy watching track.

They are so excited for the kids on our team, and we yell and cheer for our "Kellogg" kids, and we cheer when they are first, and we cheer when they are last. It is great. We also cheer when kids from another team run a good race.

Track doesn't require officials or referees. It isn't too often members of track teams, coaches or parents receive technicals, or get thrown off the track field. The only tension involved is when a race is neck and neck and you are hoping your man "wins by a nose". This is my kind of sport!!

But probably my most enjoyable thing about this afternoon was watching my beautiful daughter Z2 compete in the 400 run. She was in the second heat, and as she came around the final corner, her speed came on and she was a good 30-40 yards in front of the second place finisher. She had great form. Her long, muscular legs carried her to the finish line, her brown hair blowing behind her. Her face beemed as teammates gave her high fives.

Her dad challenged her to get below 70 seconds. She did. She shaved 3 seconds off her time last week, and her time was 69 seconds. She placed fourth overall, and this is with some pretty big middle schools from Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls, plus she is only a seventh grader, and she was competing against eighth graders as well.

Her 4 x 100 relay team officially broke the Kellogg Middle School 7th grade record at this meet. And they placed third overall, with the KMS 8th grade relay team placing fourth.

She also ran the 200, and shaved about 1 second off last week's time as well.

I can't wait until Wednesday when we travel just up the road to Silverton where Wallace Jr. High hosts the meet. (Hey, e.h., I sure hope there won't be any wierd gravitational pull for Kellogg runners that will throw them off since we are so close to the center of the universe!)

More track stats to follow on Wednesday.


  1. How about shaving 20 seconds off? Then she'd be in reach of the world record: 47.6!

  2. Every relative/friend of Cyndi and George get a special dispensation from the effects of the Centre of the Universe. It, however, is only good for the period of a half hour before through a half hour after the track meet. It is part of the unwritten Code of the West. Honest.

  3. Tell that track star congratulations. It sounds like a great day. Do they do special training to offset the gravitational pull as they compete near the center of the universe?

  4. Thanks, e.h., I feel much better about her chances on Wednesday. Whew! I believe in the Code of the West...so everything should be okay. No special training needed:)
