
Today I Used My Backyard Office

I took a break from recapping the employee evaluations I am doing for work. I decided to let the dogs out in the backyard, and take my tree picture for today. After being outside, I knew I had to set the computer up on the deck and bring my office outside.

It is about 12:45 pm, and it is 61 degrees here in my backyard in Kellogg, with a faint breeze rustling the leaves on my beech tree. The neighbor dogs are barking, a couple of my cats are outside, enjoying the sunshine, and I have warm sunshine on my face. Does it get any better than this, after a long, dark, Silver Valley winter? What a blessing to be here, right now, taking advantage of this moment.

Spring isn't official until Wednesday, but here in my backyard it is here. I see green buds trying to break through on the trees and the bushes. The crocus came up a couple of weeks ago, and now the daffodils and tulps and iris are emerging. The sky is a muted blue, with white and gray clouds drifting across the sky. Up above my computer screen, Alahambra slide is still covered with snow. Once that snow is gone, local gardners know they can plant their frost free plants, like cucumber, squash, beans, peppers, tomatoes and beets.

Ah, Mr. Sunshine just went being a cloud. Now I can see my computer screen a little better, not so much glare.

Some of my pets have joined me out here, and let's take a look at what they are doing:

Sadie is enjoying the sunshine on the deck.

Peaches, our big fur ball, was in the shade, not sure she is ready for this warmer weather yet.

Milo, the mighty hunter, was pouncing on leaves,

sticks and anything that moved out in the yard.

And Cozomo was checking out the deck, making sure everything looked safe and secure.



  1. Aren't laptops wonderful? All this talk of "live blogging" and "Wi-fi hotspots" on Huckleberries Online makes me want to take mine on the road, if just for fun! :)

  2. Now everybody should have an office like that! Thank goodness for wireless....

  3. I knew that beautiful table and chairs would come in handy this year. Great view from your office!

  4. Well, no using the backyard office today!! Rain, hail, wind...I think winter is telling us all I'm not quite done yet!! But it was a special day yesterday. Hope to have more to come in the future.

  5. After I put my winter clothes away last night, I had ice on my windshield and it was 26 degrees this morning. Boo hoo!
