
Silver Linings--Sword Fight

PKR and I are currently rehearsing for the upcoming production at the Sixth Street Theater in Wallace called "Madame's Been Murdered, Tea Will Be Late", a British murder mystery comedy. We have been rehearsing since the beginning of January, and have two weeks to go until opening night.

One of the highlights of the play has been the sword fight. My character, Matilda Trent, and PKR's character, Bobby Totter, the nephew of the aunts who own the manor house now turned quaint little inn, find themselves swordfighting to prove if either of them is the murderer. Last night at practice, one of the director's family was present, and you could tell they enjoyed watching the sword fight.

I also enjoy speaking in an English accent during the play. And learning a character. I haven't done a play for many years. I have done some of the musical theater, and a melodrama, but not a play for quite some time. It has been a wonderful experience, and one that comes very naturally for me. I do want to work on more character development in the next two weeks. Karin, one of our directors, who is a professional actress from Los Angelas, gave a great tip. She said to give your character a story, come up with parents, and a life for the character before the play happens, and that helps her develop the character. Very good advice.

If we can just get the timing right on this play, things will fall together. But it seems like we can never get our cast to all be there at the same time. We have our first dress rehearsal on Friday the 23rd, and then another on March 1st with opening night on March 2nd.

If you are in the Silver Valley March 2,3,4,8,9,10,11,16,17,or 18, please call for ticket reservations and come see the production. I believe you will be highly entertained. For more information go to http://www.sixthstreetmelodrama.com.

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